10 March 2025
In accordance with ASX Listing Rule 3.17A, the Board of Besra Gold Inc (Corporation)
advises that it has received a requisition for a special meeting of the shareholders of the
Corporation (Requisition) under Section 143 of the Canada Business Corporations Act (Act).
The Requisition states that “Under Section 143 of the Act, a requisition for a special
meeting of shareholders may be made by shareholders holding at least 5% of the
Corporation’s outstanding shares. Quantum Metal Recovery Inc. (Quantum) holds
84,938,256 common shares equating to approximately 20% of the issued and outstanding
capital of the Corporation.”
Quantum proposes that, pursuant to the Act, a meeting of shareholders be held as soon
as possible for the following purposes:
(a) to remove (i) Jon Morda; (ii) Michael Higginson; (iii) Chang Loong Lee as directors of
the Corporation; and
(b) to elect the following people to the Corporation’s board of directors: (i) Matthew
Greentree; (ii) David Izzard; and (iii) William John Blake.
The notice of Special Meeting will be prepared and despatched to all shareholders
appearing on the register of member as at the Record Date (26 March 2025 – Canadian
This announcement was authorised for release by the Company’s Chair, Jon Morda.
Michael Higginson
Director and Company Secretary