10 March 2025

The securities of Besra Gold Inc. (‘BEZ’) will be placed in trading halt at the request of BEZ, pending it releasing an announcement.
Unless ASX decides otherwise, the securities will remain in trading halt until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on
Wednesday, 12 March 2025 or when the announcement is released to the market.

  • The Directors of Besra Gold Inc (BEZ or the Company) request a Trading Halt in the
    Company’s securities.
    As required by Listing Rule 17.1, BEZ provides the following information:
    the Trading Halt is requested pending the release of an announcement concerning a
    Cease Trade Order from the Ontario Securities Commission;
  • the Company expects the Trading Halt to end on or prior to the commencement of
    trading on Wednesday 12 March 2025;
  • it is expected that the release of an announcement concerning the Cease Trade Order
    will result in the end of the Trading Halt;
  • BEZ is not aware of any reason why the Trading Halt should not be granted; and
  • BEZ has no other information necessary to inform the market about the Trading Halt.

Yours faithfully

Michael Higginson
Company Secretary